Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Bridezilla Syndrome

Picture this, ever since you were young you dreamt of the perfect wedding. In your dreams there was the perfect guy, the perfect decorations, the perfect venue, the perfect bridesmaids and groomsmen. In your dream, everything was perfect.

Newsflash…. Perfection is not achieved by dreams, it is achieved through hard work and determination and effectively communicating your vision without getting everyone in your wedding party so annoyed that they wished they never agreed to be an attendant or help out in the first place.

The Bridezilla Syndrome. Simply put, it means a soon-to-be bride who throws all niceties to the wind and browbeats everyone in their way to get what they want.

Ladies, we all want a picture perfect wedding, we all want it to be magical, but, seriously you don’t need to make everyone hate you just so that you can get what you want.

So when you feel your inner Bridezilla/Godzilla coming out remember these tips: 

Don’t take it out on you fiancĂ© or anyone around you.
Do take a break, take a walk to clears your head (walking and thinking to yourself can bring things into perspective)
Do remember that the people around you are willing to help. Ask for it!
Don’t assume that people would magically know what you want
Do draw them a design or show them a picture of what you want
Don’t be self-centred (yes it’s your day, but it’s a day that you share with people closest to you, so, don’t alienate them)
Don’t micro-manage
Do delegate tasks, nobody said you have to do it all on your own.

What will be frightening is the fact that you would let yourself become outraged for a minute detail on your wedding day that you absolutely ruin the day, for, not only yourself but for all your guests.

On this day screaming is prohibited unless it’s squeals of delight that you share with those around you because a particular moment or event in your wedding comes off unexpectedly delightful or the realization that the coordination and compilation of preparation is so perfect that screaming in glee is the only way to let out that emotion. Truthfully, this is the only time screams should be heard.

So calm yourself bride who is turning into a Bridezilla. This is not how you want to be remembered.
Smile, be happy.


  1. I hope the ladies reading this pay attention.......it's your day just have fun.

  2. I think I have Bridezilla Syndrome :) , I think all Trini brides will as well lol ! Thanks for these tips
