Tuesday 20 October 2015

Afternoons - Pros and Cons Part 1

Pros (It's all good!)

Bearing in mind that “A wedding is what you want it to be”, couples decide on the things they want or don’t want. As a bride, you have the final decision to have no children at your wedding, the colour scheme and the theme for the day. As a groom, you would decide on the drinks and entertainment. Essentially you choose the vibe, you choose the ambiance, you choose whether your wedding day will be an all-out party or an intimate affair to be enjoyed by those you hold near and dear to you.

Afternoon weddings are just that: whatever you want it to be. But keep in mind that in the planning of each event there are factors that you must consider that can make or break it. So, let’s do this in a Pros and Cons List, i.e. what’s good about it and what can be potentially bad. Before we can begin our official list let us first establish the fact that afternoon weddings usually start between the hours of 11 am - 2 pm and ends approximately 5 pm – 8 pm.

Let the lists begin! (we all love when things goes our way)

Photo Credit : www.yokhabelizeresort.com
  •      Affordable Budget

Firstly, afternoon weddings allow for a more flexible budget. Truthfully, weddings held at this time allow the bride and groom to prepare a light meal for their guests. If you give or take a couple hours between the starting hours, the majority of guest would have already have had their substantial meals of the day. Therefore, they fed themselves and for the end time of the ceremony it is not expected that you feed them dinner; the sit down and eat portion of the event has already been past. 

Therefore, a light meal would be the order of the day.  You save money in this aspect of your wedding. Also, heavy drinking does not usually start this early in the day, so, already you saved a lot by not having alcoholic drinks at your event.

Photo Credit : www.theweddingofmydreams.co.uk

  •            Not an all-night affair

Your wedding ends early by party standards. By not having an all-night affair you ensure that the day ends with a bit of relaxation for you. By not having an all-night affair, for most brides and grooms, if it’s not for relaxation, it is for reaching the airport on time to catch their flight for their honeymoon, or simply to get home in time to catch a few well needed snoozes after the early morning or hectic day that they had.

Side-note: most brides say “Even though the day was stressful and tiring, I will do it again just for the excitement.”

Photo Credit: www.rusticfolkweddings.com

  •          Guests could get back home at a timely hour

It is your wedding day, so you dictate the timing, therefore, for an afternoon wedding, you know you want to have an early start and an early finish time. The early finish time could be a consideration for guests who may have to travel a lengthy distance to get to your venue, or may have plans to start the following day early for work, or church or much needed family time as the case may be.

Families usually respond favourably to these type of weddings, as it is less hassle for them and they get to make your wedding an outing for their family. Not only will they be attending a wedding but in some cases, it may be a family reunion. Which is cause for celebration.

Next Post:  Afternoons - Pros and Cons Part 2


  1. Never viewed weddings this time of day as a money saver, thanks for the tip.

  2. i attended a wedding where it started at 2. My husband and i were grateful. although we did not take our kids with us we were happy that we got home at a reasonable time to put them to bed. somehow, we felt that the couple showed consideration to us.
