Monday 26 October 2015

Night Weddings! The Preparation

Night weddings add a different character that is out of the norm when you want a different experience from the morning or afternoon weddings. It holds the mysticism and romanticism of getting married under the stars, cute flirty cocktail dresses and debonair tuxedos, ties and laid back suits that adds an element of magic to the aesthetics of the occasion.
If managed right, your night wedding can be one for the books and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

 Some helpful tips to remember are:

1: Schedule a site visit to your venue for roughly the same time of night that you are expecting to conduct your wedding. This will give you an estimate of where things should be in terms of lighting and  illumination, guest seating, parking, signage and also a feel of the situation of night time bugs to be managed on the night of your event.

2: Confirm the weather conditions and what they may be like for the time of your event. This encompasses wind, chilliness etc. Here, you can make adjustment to ensure that you and your guests are warned and they dress suitably and comfortably. Weather conditions will also affect props, decorations and outdoor furnishing. Knowing beforehand what would need to be steadfastly secured would eliminate any last minute oversights to ensure for adequate preparations and accounting. 

3: You should expect the unexpected. Night time is usually a time when accidents happen, with low lighting, or candle light there may be disasters that may occur. There it is best to have first aid kits available or standby emergency guys who can make vehicular runs if such an event happens.

4: Capitalize on the lighting. Dark nights are a perfect opportunity to hold a fireworks display that would create the right bang to begin your first day together. But be mindful of the fact that most venues do not allow for fireworks so it is good to know this and another helpful tip is professional fireworks are spectacular to behold and fully insured to help mitigate risks. Sparklers are a nice touch for the walk up the aisle. Flower girls and bridesmaid can hold this instead of throwing flower petals, the petals works better in the day but don’t have the same effect in the dark and the magical moment may be lost against the darkness in the background.

5: Appreciate friend and family. These people are the ones you depend most upon to help get you to your wedding day so it is always good to mention them in your thanks you speech and in the event that you are having speeches for your wedding it is best that you communicate this to your maid of honour or the best man so they would have time to prepare and not be an embarrassment to you on the day.

6: Confer with photographer for the effect that would be used for shooting on the night, the venue manager for space limits, emergency exits and other venue rules and the pastor for the use of camera flashes as they may hamper his vision in the administering of his duties.  


  1. A night wedding, I would love to one day experience this.

  2. the picture with the couple kissing is beautiful! now i want to have a night wedding!

  3. I love your idea of night weddings and I want to arrange my wedding at one of Chicago event space. Will discuss it with my family and fiancée to have a night wedding. This is really a good and beautiful time for wedding. Hope I will have a night wedding too.
