Wednesday 21 October 2015

Afternoons - Pros and Cons Part 2

Cons (It's Not all it's made out to be)

When you hear the word ‘wedding’, reactions vary from person to person. Single women go starry eyed over the romanticism; married women mostly welcome you to the club or harrumph at the fact that you are going to get yourself in trouble. Most men’s reactions are loosely based on the statements “Another one bites the dust” or” Lost my drinking partner there”.
What I’m getting at is the simple fact that weddings are not all fun and rainbows and sunshine. But in the planning of this event there will be obstacles that you have to overcome that may make it uncomfortable for you.
These cons are things you just have to bear with on the day, even though they may be a hassle. If they are not in place, they will break your wedding making your ‘special’ day a day that is remembered as a horror and the brunt of ribald jokes for years to come.
Therefore for your afternoon wedding, let’s just list out the things that may not work in your favour.

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  •          Too early to party

People don’t usually get on a dance floor to party away when the sun is bright. Dancing of any form during the afternoon will be naturally reserved and not many of the guests will feel comfortable to let their inhibitions loose. Therefore, if you want to dance and have a really good time at it, afternoon weddings may not be perfectly suited for you. 

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  •          Hair and Make-up Stress

If you are going to have an afternoon wedding, set your mind to the fact that you and your bridesmaids will have an early morning getting to all your appointments.
 Our previous post show that afternoon weddings usually start for the earliest at 11 AM. Therefore, you and your bridesmaids will have to be up at the crack of dawn to coif yourselves into perfection to reach your wedding on time, looking splendid.
It is advisable that you set appointments with hairdressers and make-up artists about six weeks in advance with weekly reminders to your bridesmaids of the importance of keeping these appointments.

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  •         Infrastructure

Yes, you are having an afternoon wedding, but DJs, venues, photographers and videographers may have to be booked for the entire day.
To be fair, the venue may need to be booked for two days to accommodate decorating, construction of dance floors and reception place setting. These are costs you will have to factor into your budget that does not include price skimming.

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  •         Heat

It’s the afternoon.... it will be Hot and Humid. Yes, it will be bright. Yes, the sun will be shining. But along with this beautiful aesthetic you will encounter sweat. You may feel uncomfortable wearing this beautiful gown, with your perfect hair and perfect face. You will not be the only person feeling it. You may have to endure or you can select a venue that is air-conditioned or breezy so counteract the effects of the day.

Next Post: Evening Weddings


  1. Jemimaaaaa!!! I love these articles. They are just straight forward and relatable. I actually heard friends say"another one bites the dust" lol ;)

  2. i'm saving by having my wedding done completely at my local church. luckily its big enough to hold all my guests, and the musicians are my personal friends. it working out for me. i believe my future husband and i will be very happy together.
