Friday 13 November 2015

5 people who should not be invited to your wedding

One conundrum that affianced couple face is who to invite to their wedding. Just the fact that you have lived your life and been in contact with so much people individually does not mean that you have to invite them all.

If you make a list there are family, immediate and extended, friends from school, work, church and childhood. This could add up to a considerable amount for both parties, but luckily, there are measures you can take or questions you can answer to narrow down you potential guest list to a manageable size to capture exactly who you want to be there.

Lets start with the people you do not invite.

 Ex’s who hate you/ may still be in love with you. So you have shared a portion of your life with this person previously during the course of your life, you can rest assured that you are not obligated to invite them to your special day. It does not matter how amiable you have remained and continue to be after this relationship, it is not very polite that your fiancĂ© should be made known or be made uncomfortable of their presence in your life.

The Plus One. Truly this plus one concept is being blown out of proportion. Your wedding is a joyous occasion that you share and want those close to you. Therefore, the plus one of a friend or family member who does not know you or have not been in your guests life for a short period in time does not warrant an invite to your wedding. A plus one should be for married friends or long-term relationship couples.

Family you have never met or haven’t seen for years. Yes it polite to invite family. But at some point before you issue invitations you must ask yourself if you really want your cousin twice removed and his aunt at your wedding. Do you know them that well to justify your inviting them or are you inviting them simply out of politeness and wondering how it would look if you forgo sending their invitation. Keep in mind, if you want to, you can and if you don’t want to, you shouldn’t.

Co-workers you are simply people you work with. No everyone you work with are your friends. Careful consideration should be paid here. You need to ask the question, ‘if I were to leave this job tomorrow, would I keep in contact with this person?’ if the answer is no, by all means, give you invitation to someone more worthy.

Children. Maybe you want your wedding to exclude children and only have parents and adults there. When issuing your invitations, make sure that this is clearly communicated so guests do not arrive with their entire family in tow to mess up your catering and seating arrangements.

     It's your day, so surely you can invite who you want!

     Next Post: who you should invite to your Wedding. 


  1. co-workers! thats a sticky one. i sent out invitations to my whole office. i simply couldnt deal with the pressure of not inviting people i see and spend eight hours of my day five days a week not being there. it seemed easier than picking and choosing who should be there. so all five got invited. the invitation was made out to the staff. lol, one invitation for them all. i have no regrets

  2. I invited my whole office also. it seemed simpler to me
