Saturday 14 November 2015

The ones you really need at you wedding

So we all know who we don’t want at our wedding. So it is time that we list out exactly who we want there. It is essential to know that the guests who make the final list are those who you know is important to you, they are the people who share a part of your lives and the honour of you requesting their presence means that not only do you hold them in high regard, it is you appreciating them and wanting to show your excitement knowing that they are the ones who will be just as happy for you as you will be happy for them if the situation were reversed.

Knowing that this invitation is a precious thing, here are some of the people you should definitely invite:
  1.      Family - Bearing in mind that family is not only about blood but about the people in your life who have come to mean more to you than family. Then family is not considered only those with the label of mother, father, brother or sister etc., it could also mean persons in life who you know you can depend on or people that you have made bonds with knowing that their presence in your life cannot be replaced or erased simply because they  have not had the pleasure of being born into your family.
  2.     Friends – these friends are the ones you go out with, the ones you call up when you are bored, the ones you pester and harass on a daily basis because the love is strong between you and you know that they have your back. These friends are the ones you met in school, university or at work and you know that they lend a listening ear to every little detail of your life and never give you the feeling of insignificance in their lives. So yes, send them you invitations.

Your wedding day is a day to be happy and smile until your face hurts, or dance until your feet hurts too. These friends and family are the ones who will ensure that your smile is there and your laughter is there and the joy you exhibit is there with them also.

And that’s it. That’s the list! Close friends and family, just two groups of people, because these are the people who simply make you feel special. And after you have gotten them on your list it is only then that you consider extending invitations to others.

Once again, it is the people who make you feel happy are the one who get their invitation first.


  1. I agree totally! It's the people who are close to you and who make you happy that should be there with you on this auspicious occasion. Just seeing their faces would make me smile!

  2. family and friend! those were exactly the one i chose for my wedding. and it was marvelous!

  3. Indeed! It's always a lot harder to actually put into practice granted that so many other feelings are hurt when they do not get invited, but you've definitely hit the nail on the head.

  4. Simple, sweet and to the point ...FAMILY FRIENDS......this is your first post i agree with 100%
