Friday 13 November 2015

Simplistic Design Ideas for your wedding

As we are on the subject of Wedding décor, it is good to establish that there are different kinds of décor. It is either ‘simplistic’ or ‘over the top’. Whatever décor you decide upon, just be assured that it has the potential to be beautiful.

An interesting, noteworthy fact is that the two décor ‘genres’ can embody the same styles.  
If you are going with the simplistic décor, you must ensure that your venue is naturally decorated. This means a garden with blooming flowers or the beach with the rolling waves, or a cathedral with tinted/stained glass. Here, the venue is already decorated for you so you only have to add the few touches to make it spectacular.

In addition to the natural décor there are a few basic ideas when applied can make your simplistic décor look as if it is worth a million dollars.

1: Potted Plants – what you want is an indication of sophistication. Potted plants adds that level of sophistication where artificial flowers may drop short. One event that used potted plants was the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate. You may not want such extravagant plants lining the aisle but u can consider renting smaller ones to suite your occasion and fancy.

2: Candles – instead of flower arrangements, you can use candles. This is very romantic but may create a fire hazard. Therefore, you should ensure that the correct prevention measures are in place to obliterate any untoward effects candles may have. In this case, you can also use LED candles or lamps to eliminate smoke but, still achieve the right effect.

3: Drapery – Gossamer, Tulle and Satin are clothes that give wonderful drapery. They each also exhibit a different look and feel to the occasion. The gossamer and tulle will give an ethereal effect while the satin will be bold to embody an exquisite finish.

4: Carpet aisles – most brides usually have flower girls throwing flower petals in the aisle before their entrance, an alternative to this is, laying a red, or blue or green carpet. This can be one of the focal points of the ceremony as it will naturally draw the attention of the guests while creating a glamorous entrance for the bride.   

5: Bubbles – you can provide vials to guests to blow as a means of celebration after you vow taking and walk down the aisle as an official couple or it can be used during your first dance and official photoshoot. It is the perfect substitute to messy confetti, stains from flower petals or rice that may endanger the lives of birds.

In essence, these décor ideas though simple can transform the visual effect of your wedding from plain and drab to striking while making everything photo-ready on the day of your wedding.

1 comment:

  1. potted plants huh! it must be a great idea if royalty uses it! this post is fresh and laced with ideas. although i must say, i love confetti!
