Friday 13 November 2015

Why did you get married or why you should.

Some of the most interesting discussions I have had the privilege of participating in have been on the subject of ‘Why do people get married?’ Interestingly enough, on these occasions, the women were of the view that is was ‘for the love’ whereas one of the guys expressed that he was adamant that he was never going to get married, that was his firm belief, but now he has been happily bound to a beautiful woman in Holy Matrimony for the past twenty years.

Beside the views of the two groups, I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of two of my dear friends this month and what was indicative to me, and I am of the opinion of everyone in the church, was that these two beautiful people were very much in love.
But according to one of my guy friends ‘women always say that they get married because of love but love is not enough to get married.’

So beside ‘Love’, here are 10 reasons on why people get married:

1: Marriage makes you want to be a better person. With marriage you seek to better yourself; individually, educationally, financially, emotionally and sometimes physically.

2: Marriage makes you share parts of yourself with another person who you ultimately trust. You know that there is someone that you can depend on and trust with your feeling and deepest darkest fears and insecurities.

3: Marriage ensures that your name and bloodline will continue to another generation. This is a stable environment to grow up children. The nuclear family is still the most sought after family group. It does not mean that children are not born into single parent families and bloodlines cannot be continued.

4: Marriage is the most romantic thing that you can do to show a person that you appreciate them. It is a gesture in-front of God, your family and friends that shows how much you love each other and promise to be at each other’s side through thick and thin.

5: Marriage is not a tradition but is new to each person when they enter into it. Although the institute of marriage has been around since biblical times and can be seen as a tradition, I must point out that a tradition is an event or gesture that an individual or society repeats on a yearly or monthly basis. Marriage in this case, to most people, is something new that they have an intention of entering into only once in your life. So, to the naysayers who say marriage is an archaic tradition, I respectfully disagree with you.

6: Marriage improves your financial position in life. Two incomes are always better than one. It means more money to spend on bettering your living conditions and way of life etc.

7: Marriage encourages family values. Brothers and sisters growing up with their parents discourages worry and unsureness within children and parents always know that they are working together to make the lives of the entire family the best that they can make it out to be.

8: Marriage encourages faithfulness. Knowing that you made a commitment to someone you love is encouragement to keep your promise. It lessens guilt and keeps love between each partner growing stronger every day.

9: Marriage reports of more sexual pleasure and fulfillment. This goes hand in hand with the contentment you feel with sharing yourself mind, body and soul with the one person on this earth that you trust.

10: Marriage fosters more interaction with mothers and fathers towards their children compared to parents and children who are separated. There is more time spent with children within marriage by both parents than the imbalance of most time spent with one over the other.

In my consideration, Love is the foundation that you base marriage on and then you continue to build on it with these different reasons.

So yes! Get married, plan the perfect wedding with the one you love. Reach for the stars in your quest for love, happiness and companionship. Just be assured that the wedding day is only the beginning, it is the first day of the rest of your lives.

You can leave your comments below to tell me of why you got married or want to get married. I am always interested in hearing what my readers have to say.


  1. i love this post. it mirrors what my grandparents have been telling me for years. i live and grew up with them

  2. Great post...these ten reasons are so deep and meaningful!
